Shroomeats Recipes

Asian Twist Tostada with Mushroom Shred-It
This crunchy, refreshing, umami, and slightly sweet dish is the perfect mid-day snack or fun party appetizer.
Asian Twist Tostada with Mushroom Shred-It
This crunchy, refreshing, umami, and slightly sweet dish is the perfect mid-day snack or fun party appetizer.

Kimchi Mayo Burger with Mushroom Patties
Classic burgers are classic for a reason. But every now and then you gotta switch it up and get a new burst of flavor to your palate. This Kimchi-Mayo Burger...
Kimchi Mayo Burger with Mushroom Patties
Classic burgers are classic for a reason. But every now and then you gotta switch it up and get a new burst of flavor to your palate. This Kimchi-Mayo Burger...

Halloween Monster Burger with Mushroom Patties
This isn't just a monster burger in size, it's literally a monster. It's up to you if you're scared or laughing, either way, you'll enjoy eating this monster.
Halloween Monster Burger with Mushroom Patties
This isn't just a monster burger in size, it's literally a monster. It's up to you if you're scared or laughing, either way, you'll enjoy eating this monster.

Halloween Stuffed Bell Peppers with Mushroom Sh...
I know you're not supposed to play with your food, but for this recipe, it's encouraged! Use Mushroom Shred-It to make a brainy mess in these bell peppers. You'll have...
Halloween Stuffed Bell Peppers with Mushroom Sh...
I know you're not supposed to play with your food, but for this recipe, it's encouraged! Use Mushroom Shred-It to make a brainy mess in these bell peppers. You'll have...

Halloween Bloody Eyeballs with Mushroom Balls
I spy with my little eye... a spooky vegan recipe for Halloween. *insert evil laugh*Give your Halloween guests chills and thrills with this Bloody Eyeballs recipe using Mushroom Balls.
Halloween Bloody Eyeballs with Mushroom Balls
I spy with my little eye... a spooky vegan recipe for Halloween. *insert evil laugh*Give your Halloween guests chills and thrills with this Bloody Eyeballs recipe using Mushroom Balls.

Shroom Dumplings with Mushroom Shred-It
Making dumplings has been a Chinese tradition to bond with family and friends while making a lot of food for celebrations. Invite your loved ones to enjoy a dumpling meditation and a delicious meal afterwards.
Shroom Dumplings with Mushroom Shred-It
Making dumplings has been a Chinese tradition to bond with family and friends while making a lot of food for celebrations. Invite your loved ones to enjoy a dumpling meditation and a delicious meal afterwards.